Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fantasy AGE: Looking at the Mage

Looking at how a fighter stacks up in any fantasy game is only 1/2 picture...or in the case of Fantasy AGE it's 1/3rd of the picture. Let's take a look at the second of the three class options in FAGE: the mage. This time around we'll see how much additional strangeness we can get up to.

For the concept this time I'm thinking Malistra, an orcish woman with a talent for magic. Orcs are tough hombres in FAGE, so Malistra will be fighting a genetic legacy of brute strength and violence to achieve mastery of the arcane arts.

I won't belabor you with a walk-through of the process, instead getting all the preamble out of the way and then going into depth on the mage class directly. Here's what Malistra will look like just prior to adding in the class details at level 1; note that for her rolled racial benefits she got weapons group: bludgeons and +1 willpower:

Level 1 female orc mage 
Health 34; Speed 11
0 Accuracy
2 Communications
0 Constitution (Focus: stamina)
1 Dexterity
1 Fighting
3 Intelligence (Focus: writing)
2 Perception
2 Strength
3 Willpower

Orcish traits: darksight
Languages: orcish, common tongue
Weapons Groups: bludgeons
Social Class: middle; Background: Scribe

So, prior to adventuring Malistra was a middle-classed orcish woman who had exceptional willpower. She learned to be a scribe and is noted for her writing talent. She's also learned some basic skill at beating people over the head with a bludgeon, something that all young orcish girls are taught as a basic survival skill, no doubt.

As a mage Malistra learns some additional basic combat skill in brawling and staves. At level one she learns how to use the Arcane Blast, which requires an arcane device to function. Apprentices all learn how to attune to an arcane device as well, and this object can be anything. Malistra chooses a silver ring with a jade stone in the shape of an eye. Now, she can rain down 1D6+willpower in arcane force bolts on anyone who looks at her crosseyed. These are accuracy-based ranged attacks and stunt effects apply.

Malistra also gains two magic talents, four spells, and 18 magic points (10+willpower+1D6 roll). Magic Points advance much like health does from level to level. Malistra also gains novice rank in an ordinary talent; I'll pick Lore as most useful. She's read a lot of books as a scribe.

On the magic talents, what you're really doing is getting two arcane talents at the novice level, and then that level of skill ascribes the two spells you know. For Malistra I figure orcs like fire so we'll go with Fire Arcana which grants arcane lantern and flame blast. For the other arcana I pick Shadow, since it sounds something suitably useful in orcish society. That one grants shadow dagger and shadow's embrace.

One thing you'll notice when looking through the arcana talents: they offer a lot of death-dealing spells. There are more utility-based spells as well; it seems to be a 50/50 ratio. A lot of spells which are notorious in D&D for being "plot breakers" or scene-stealers from other characters are absent in Fantasy AGE.

In the end, our mage looks like this:

Level 1 female orc mage 
Health 34; Speed 11
0 Accuracy
2 Communications
0 Constitution (Focus: stamina)
1 Dexterity
1 Fighting
3 Intelligence (Focus: writing)
2 Perception
2 Strength
3 Willpower

Orcish traits: darksight
Languages: orcish, common tongue
Weapons Groups: bludgeons
Social Class: middle; Background: Scribe
Magic Points: 18
Mage Talents: arcane bolt (1D6+3 damage)
Arcane Talents: Fire, Shadow
Talents: Lore (novice)
Spells: arcane lantern, flame blast, shadow dagger, shadow's embrace


Mages in Fantasy AGE have a mix of combat and utility spells, but the utility spells tend to reflect more "timid" versions of the same spells available in games like D& don't go invisible, for example, you wreathe yourself in shadows. Stuff like that. There is also no strict "divine" magic system; this is a magic system which eschews explanation for your source of power. Under Fantasy AGE any sorcerer, mage, druid, cleric or warlock in D&D would likely just be a mage specialization here.

At-will combat magic remains a common currency here. Spells can cost quite a bit, so don't expect to cast too many in a given encounter, but the arcane bolt will provide an easy source of quick ranged magic....but the ability to lose your focus is a major limitation, if cirucmstances prevail.

Overall though I like the magic system in Fantasy AGE. On the surface it appears to be a very conservative system, but with a lean toward it's roots in Dragon Age style combat/video game magic. It's lack of high level niche-protection-destroying magic will appeal to many.

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