After some interrogation last week my players indicated for Saturday night game a return to Pathfinder 2E was their preferred option, so here we are! I was finding it a bit tough to get motivated at first but that changed when we decided to pull PCs from an older Roll20 game, and in doing so I realized I had all the work done for a lengthy series of scenarios in a long campaign. I love when I discover stuff I had forgotten I wrote up! Saving literally everything I have ever written proves handy.
As it turns out, Pathfinder was a pretty smooth and fun play experience. We are all pretty familiar with the system, as I started running PF2E campaigns when it first came out, and all of the players in my current Saturday group were in the level 1-20 campaign I ran from 2019-2021, and are veterans of some other shorter campaigns. I think that I set PF2E aside when the Remasters started coming out for the most part, with a couple false starts on Roll20 before I just gave up for the time being (for some interesting reasons having to do with player personality issues).
Now, coming back to the game table for PF2E Remastered, I realize that this really is the most entertaining way to play this edition. It's ridiculously easy to run the game as GM; PF2E has clearly been designed with ease of use in mind for the guy behind the screen. The complex minigame on the player's side of the table is an interesting journey for all involved, but once you've gotten familiar with the quirks of the system then it becomes easier and easier to appreciate, I would say.
I still have some quibbles with it, but at this point I will tolerate my irritation at the skill system (which I wish was more robust and flexible like the older PF1E skill system) as it is far easier to accept this than it is the many weird and off-putting design decisions in the new edition of D&D 2024/5. So for me, at least, this is a lovely way to get back to the D&D-like gaming I enjoy without it being D&D exactly. Which is funny, because that is exactly what PF1E did for me and my group many years ago.
Also, a side note: running Mythras for several sessions really hammers home how much easier PF2E is in terms of combat mechanics. The fascinating aspect of Mythras combat is just how dirty and deep it can get, but it does so by requiring a lot of book-keeping on every creature, and the constant popping of specials rapidly wore out my group (I have suggested to them that we should do Open Quest instead). So Wednesday this week I am going to run one more session of Mythras, and then suggest to the gang that we try Shadowdark next, or convert our Mythras PCs straight over to Open Quest. That will let us have all of the murderous intent with far, far less tedious book-keeping to keep track of how many specific limbs have been impaled or hewn from bodies.
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