Fair disclosure: I was aware of Shadowdark as one of the D&D-alternates that spun out of the OGL kerfuffle, but I sort of ignored it because it sounded like yet another variant on the OSR market that is currently bloated with tons of perfectly good (and occasionally not so good) game systems out there. So Shadowdark to me seemed like just another variation on that theme.
Well, I finally got Shadowdark, primarily because some of my gamer cohorts locally have been playing it and the stories I have been told got me a bit intrigued. I am still waiting for the hardcopy, but I have blown through the PDF of the rulebook (it's an easy read/absorb) and I now know the following:
1. My initial assessment that it was "yet another" entry into the OSR space was accurate;
2. And despite that, Shadowdark accomplishes something much cooler and more unique through its specific approach.
That approach I would boil down to the following key points: first being that it is hyper accessible and accomplishes a minimalist approach to OSR design while still being rooted in a contemporary D20/5E design chassis. It runs like a stripped down 5E, sure, but it feels like classic OSR, which is really key here.
Second, the writing style, in being minimalist and to the point, is incredibly unassuming and provides a measured framework for the sort of GM or player group that wants to do their own thing. The evocative black and white art contains some of the best AD&D 1E era callbacks in terms of style and feel I've seen in any RPG. This is a common trick in the OSR scene; Dungeon Crawl Classics, for example, has been operating on a style designed to remind people of Erol Otus and the old Judge's Guild modules for ages now; OSE relies on an art style that feels old while being more closely inspired at times by Adventure Time, which itself is a cartoon that seems to rely a bit on false nostalgia. Other OSR titles often lean on "amateur" style art just to get that 70s/80s feel.
Shadowdark, however, gets very nice, evocative black and white art with a clear "white on black" underlying theme. The art is amazing, honestly, and for some reason immediately reminds me of certain old books like the Fiend Folio and a lot of the early AD&D TSR art in general. The sparse, to-the-point text is meant to get out of the way. While I will continue to forever miss the level of depth older Monster Manuals put into providing interesting details on monsters, Shadowdark is primarily aimed at getting you a set of tools to use for what you want. In this regard it also kind of reminds me of Tunnels & Trolls, though mechanically it is very much derived from D&D.
So I had the PDF for a day and I already really want to play this. I also snagged the first three issues of the supporting zine, Cursed Scroll, as well as some 3rd party content on Drivethrurpg. There's a lot of new classes and content in the magazines, but the only complaint I have is it's commingled player and GM stuff, which means if I want to run a module in one issue, but my player wants to play a new class in that issue, then I have to control access a bit or trust my players not to read beyond the point they shouldn't go. Which...I suppose....is also very old school!
Anyway, I have oddly high hopes I can get my group to try Shadowdark because its 5E DNA is evident, but its old school charm is incredibly pervasive. This is the first OSR style product I've bought that genuinely reminded me of the old days, and its lack of presumptiveness about how it is to be used (beyond being for hard core dungeon delving....or, to use their terminology, "crawlers") is a huge asset for me; there is literally no sense in this book of an authorial overtone (a common problem in OSR titles), nor is there any sense of corporate meddling as you see in WotC. The book is unabashedly what it is, which is a way to dive deep into dungeon crawls and have fun. Exactly what I needed to restore my sense of excitement in this genre, in other words.