Friday, February 4, 2022

Solutions and Fixes! - The Ongoing Saga of Too Many Games and Not Enough Time

 I haven't quite fixed anything yet, actually, but I do seem to have gotten past my creative doldrums and last night ran Mothership again, which was "fixed" in that we got to move the VTT game to Thursday night, a night when all players could once again be present. It was a great game, easily one of my favorite games out there now.

When I run Mothership I get this feeling I ought to dive in to Traveller again, that nothing I am doing in Mothership is not doable in Traveller, but that's not entirely correct. Mothership's lightning rod focus on the style of game it supports (we've all decided it's best defined as "retro schlock sci fi") is just so perfectly captured in the meager rules of Mothership 0E. Some of the playtest details on Mothership 1E actually sound like they may accidentally remove some flavor in the name of clarification and expansion....I better check it out, that would be bad. Mothership must retain its core identity, its core ease of play. I have confidence in the Tuesday Knight games people, though. This game is amazing.

If I ran Traveller I'd watch other stylistic genre interventions shift the storyline from one of perpetual dread in a universe defined by 70's and 80's films and turn into one defined by 70's and 80's novels. That's a fine genre in and of itself, but not what we need at the moment.

As for the live game night, it's shut down for the moment but I am investigating moving it back to VTT online. I think that will solve some issues, but it doesn't free up the time I am missing. This could pose a problem, too, as I need to prep for some work-related licensing that will require a fair bit of studying on my part, and I am sure that will interrupt some of the gaming time, no way around it.

My poor Saturday game will resume tomorrow, with me reinvigorated and looking forward to more Call of Cthulhu, though I am certain my "GM creative block" is gone because I am actually excited to resume the Pathfinder game again, a clear sign I've gotten over the hump. I also suspect I'll run it again, and like happened on Tuesday will just be, "gaah, why am I doing this" again....I am realizing that my tastes in systems have shifted, a lot. More specifically, genres. I may just be really burned out on "D&D like" experiences right now. Call of Cthulhu....Mothership.....Cypher System....maybe even the likes of Traveller and Mythras are what I need to focus on for this year. I seem to have an enormous well of creative inspiration for science fiction, horror and unconventional fantasy tales. We shall see....

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