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Sedara Braims
Masirian female, age 34 (Setting: Realms of Chirak)
Wizard Necromancer level
10 Sage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA HPs Proficiency Spell Save DC Memorized
10 12 10 20 14 13 52 +4 17 15
0 +1 0 +5(+9) +2(+6) +1
Hit Dice Init Speed Armor Class Alignment Level Experience
10D6 +1 30 14
(w/bracers) Neutral Evil 10 76,100
Spell Cantrips L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
Slots 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
Saves INT, WIS
Languages Grelmanic, Elvish, Espanean, Masirian,
Old Mythric, Inadasir, draconic
Feats Linguist
Skills Arcana
+9, History +9, Intimidation +5, Deception +5
Wizard Traits ritual casting,
arcane recovery (5 levels), School of Necromancy, grim harvest, undread thralls
(one extra, +10 HP, +4 attack), inured to undeath (necrotic resistance)
Sage Traits Researcher
Spell Book:
Cantrips blade ward, light,
poison spray, chill touch, true strike
Level 1 comprehend
languages, detect magic, false life, identify, mage armor, magic missile,
sleep, witch bolt
Level 2 darkness,
misty step, phantasmal force, invisibility, blindness/deafness
Level 3 animate
dead, bestow curse, fear, feign death, vampiric touch
Level 4 Evard’s black tentacles, fire
shield, phantasmal killer, stone shape, blight
Level 5 cloudkill,
contact other plane, contagion, teleportation circle
Armor Cloak of Protection +1, Bracers of Defense
Weapons Dagger +1 (+6
attack, 1D4+2 damage)
Personality I am the immortal daughter of one of the
world’s greatest hunters of thousandspawn, and have the hubris to show for it.
Ideal Power….the mastery
of necromancy
Bond I am descended from
an ancient order dedicated to hunting and entombing thousandspawn and feel a
need to fulfill my destiny
Flaw My callousness often
shows through, and I have severe empathy issues.
Brief History: Sedara Braims was the daughter
of Daregos Braims, a famous monster hunter and agent of the ancient Order of
the Thousand, a society of twelve hunters dedicated to hunting down and
destroying or imprisoning the Thousdanspawn of the chaos god Ga’Thon. Sedara was indoctrinated into the order at a young age but has struggled with her inner desire for power and the need to aster death vs. her father's wishes that she use her magic to end the Thousandspawn. She
started her career working to destroy Kostchie the Damned, and later assisted
the Avatar Maretz with protecting the City of the Sun form the destruction of
the chaos beast which is eternally devouring the sun. She was last spotted deep
in the south beyond the kingdom of Daman on a quest for the Dagger of Shaligon,
believed to be in the possession of a particularly vile thousandspawn.
Three Plot Ideas:
1. Sedara hires a young and naive group of adventurers to help her locate the enigmatic Dagger of Shaligon, but stumble across an orcish plot to destroy the kingdom using not the dagger but the even more exotic Eyes of Shaligon, which give the orcs a scrying advantage over the human kingdom.
2. Sedara has been summoned to the Order of the Thousand, which consists of herself and eleven aging hunters. Recently several members were slain, and they seek to replace those members with worthy heroes....Sedara is given the task of finding heroes worthy of this cause, something she despises but feels duty bound to assist on.
3. Sedara learns that the Lich King Malenkin has left his tower unguarded, apparently moving with his entire entourage to the Kaldinian Isles. She either hires adventurers to assist her on an expedition to investigate the tower and learn its secrets or she works for an oppositional group that the PCs must race against time to compete with.
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