Friday, December 4, 2015

D&D 5E: Deep One Hybrids

Pathfinder's Bestiary 5 has some awesome new additions to the menagerie within. Here's a conversion of the deep one hybrid to D&D 5E for your enjoyment...

CR 1/8 (25 XP)
CE medium humanoid (human, aberration)
Initiative +0       Perception +4 (Passive 14)
AC 11 or 12 (with leather armor)
HP 11 (1D8+3)
Speed 20 feet (30 feet swimming)
Melee Attack dagger +3 (5 foot reach), 1D4+1 slashing damage
STR 13 (+1), DEX 10 (0), CON 17 (+3), INT 10 (0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 8 (-1)
Languages: common, abyssal
Senses: dark vision 60’
Skills: Swimming +2
Transmogrification: a deep one hybrid experiences a rapid transformation at roughly age 60, turning into a true deep one in 1D12 months. (More on true deep ones to come).
Sea Longing: deep one hybrids are tethered to the sea. When 10 or more miles away from large salt water bodies for more than a day the Deep one must make a wisdom save DC 18 or suffer the loss of 1 wisdom. The deep one hybrid can only recover these lost wisdom points through magic (such as restoration).
Take to the Water: deep one hybrids are proficient in swimming, and swim at a base rate of 30 feet. They roll advantage on initiative and dexterity checks when swimming in the water. A deep one hybrid can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to his constitution score.
Classes: Deep one hybrids usually have a class, typically fighter, rogue, cleric, warlock or wizard.

Deep One Hybrid Characters:
Ability Scores: Deep Ones add +1 to Constitution and Wisdom but are -1 to Dexterity
Languages: deep one hybrids learn the common tongue and either abyssal or your suited dialect for deep one species.
Slow: deep one hybrids move at 20 feet on land but 30 feet in water.
Vision: deep one hybrids have dark vision for 60 feet.
Natural Armor: deep one hybrids have thick, rubbery skin and insulating fat, giving them a +1 armor bonus.
Final Change: Deep one hybrids suffer the effects of transmogrification (see above).
Sea Longing: deep one hybrids also suffer from sea longing as described above.
Take to the Water: deep one hybrids are proficient in swimming, and swim at a base rate of 30 feet. They roll advantage on initiative, swimming and dexterity checks when swimming in the water. A deep one hybrid can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to his constitution score.

Sample Deep One Acolyte (level 2 cleric)
CR 1/4 (50 XP)
CE medium humanoid (human, aberration)
Initiative +0       Perception +4 (Passive 14)
AC 13 (with hide armor)
HP 15 (2D8+6)
Storm Wrath (reaction); creature within 5 feet that hits you must make a Dexterity Save (DC 13) or take 2D8 lighting or thunder damage (choose); ½ damage on save; can use this 3 times before a rest.
Speed 20 feet (30 feet swimming)
Melee Attack morning star +3 (5 foot reach), 1D8+1 piercing damage
Ranged Attack Sacred Flame +5 (60 feet), 1D8 radiant damage
STR 13 (+1), DEX 10 (0), CON 17 (+3), INT 10 (0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 8 (-1)
Saves: wisdom +5, charisma +1
Languages: common, abyssal
Senses: dark vision 60’
Skills: Swimming +2, insight +5, religion +2
Transmogrification: a deep one hybrid experiences a rapid transformation at roughly age 60, turning into a true deep one in 1D12 months. (More on true deep ones to come).
Sea Longing: deep one hybrids are tethered to the sea. When 10 or more miles away from large salt water bodies for more than a day the Deep one must make a wisdom save DC 18 or suffer the loss of 1 wisdom. The deep one hybrid can only recover these lost wisdom points through magic (such as restoration).
Take to the Water: deep one hybrids are proficient in swimming, and swim at a base rate of 30 feet. They roll advantage on initiative and dexterity checks when swimming in the water. A deep one hybrid can hold his breath for a number of minutes equal to his constitution score.
Cleric Traits: Spell Save DC 13, Spell Attack +5; tempest domain
Channel Divinity: once per rest the hybrid may turn undead (DC 13) or destructive wrath (deal maximium thunder or lighting damage on a spell effect)
Cantrips Readied: guidance, resistance, sacred flame
1st Level Spells Readied: bane, protection from good

The Deep One Hybrid Acolyte is a Worshipper of….(Roll D12):
1: Olhydra
2: Dagon
3: Scylla
4: Charybdis
5: The Kraken
6: Davy Jones
7: Moander
8: The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms
9: Cthulhu
10: Chalchiuhitlicue
11: Dakuwaka
12: Nammu

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