Monday, March 17, 2025

Tablet News - It's Been A Hot Second: Boox Palma 2, Lenovo Tab M11 and Kobo Libre Color 7

 I used to post my experiences with various tablets, and as some may remember I am among the vocal and distinct minority of those who tend to favor Nook as an online ebook resource over Amazon. Well, much has happened in the last few years, and here's how it shook out:

First, Nook continues to be a viable option for ereading, but their Nook Glowlight 4 and 4 Plus are the only readers really worth using. The Lenovo Tablet exists, and the latest iteration may be fine, but I opted instead for the Lenovo M11 Tablet for my ereading due to its larger form factor and the fact that it rather nicely captures a decent graphic novel (read: color) reading experience at a budget price. So I have a Nook Glowlight 4 Plus but it's mainly for reading before bed, and the Lenovo M11 Tablet is pretty much my go to reader when it comes to the large ebook graphic novel collection I've accrued on the Nook.

Amazon shot itself in the foot recently when they removed the ability to download separate copies of your library of books for storage elsewhere than an Amazon device. This impacted dedicated ebook readers, but normies and casual ebook fans won't likely notice or care about this change. The reason is simply because if you view ebooks as content to consume, or you only buy a few and see Amazon as just fine to trust on managing your library of licenses, or you are a Prime subscriber and don't own most of the content you read anyway, then this change impacts you in no way whatsoever. But if you have a lot of purchased ebooks and don't like the notion that you are merely licensing ebooks as opposed to buying them (and only recently have online vendors been forced to acknowledge this distinction more clearly) then being able to offload them somewhere was pretty important.

If you just want out of Amazon but don't have a Kindle, one place you can support authors without as much draconian Amazon antics is at which aims to provide a venue for physical and ebook sales for indie publishers and authors. So far its slow growing, and its not a one-stop-shop for all your reading needs unless you are extremely particular in what you read, but I have found a few good books over there so far. I do not think bookshop has a dedicated device, but their app works fine on all my android devices so far. It's still nascent in design, and could use some more features, but they are getting there.

For those who are trying to escape Kindle and Fire hardware, there are a lot of interesting choices out there. I gave away my Kindle Fires and regular Kindles, all except for the two I love most: The Kindle Notebook (lovely device) and the Kindle Oasis, which has the best form factor for reading ebooks on eink that I have found to date (until I got in to Kobo and Boox, that is). I continue to maintain my Kindle ebook collection, but I am no longer purchasing books on Amazon unless there is simply no other way to get it; so far I have had no problems finding what I want to read on Nook, of course, and my new other favorite store: Kobo!

Kobo produces a 7 inch color e-reader called the Kobo Libra Color, which is very close in comfort and form factor to the Kindle Oasis, which I love. It's a color ereader, and now that I've experienced e-ink in color its hard to imagine sticking with black and white (but see my comment on the Boox Palma 2 below). Kobo's only problem is it is, like Amazon, locked to their store so I can't load Nook or Bookshop onto it. That said: for a dedicated reader, I find it excellent. Similarly to Nook you can offload books using Calibre, although I haven't tried yet, and also similar to Nook the DRM issues are variable and publisher-specific, so not all books are DRMed. Kobo does seem to want to be a mini Amazon, however, pushing a monthly subscription services that unlocks books, but similar to Amazon's Prime service, the majority of those free reads are not really worth reading, sorry to say. Kobo does manage to keep some excellent competitive pricing and I did join their basic membership for the product discounts, it works similarly to Barnes & Noble's but applies to all ebooks. 

Simultaneously with getting the Kobo I picked up the Boox Palma 2, which is an ereader in the shape of a phone. My first thought way this will be as good to read on as a dedicated ereader, and it will just compete with the unenvious task of using reading apps on my phone, right? Despite this, a lot of reviewers spoke positively of the device and so I decided to check it out. Now I see why they like turns out the size of the Palma 2 (very slightly smaller than my Samsung S24 Ultra phone) is far and away the most comfortable weight and grip for reading on the go, and its small size makes it as easy to carry around as a phone. It's black and white e-ink is crisp and sharp, and its a regular android device so you can load any apps you want on it (but with the caveat that its screen refresh means don't bother with loading anything that requires a decent frame rate, like videos). So I can have the Kobo, Nook, Bookshop and Kindle app all loaded on the device. It even has sound, so I also have the Audible and Chirp apps loaded for audio books. Of the devices I have, I've been using Boox Palma 2 more than any other simply because it is so ridiculously convenient. 

Boox Palma 2 is not ideal for reading comics and graphic novels, and I wouldn't recommend it. If your eyesight is bad, it may not be a good choice because while you can (as with all readers) increase font size, with such a small screen it may become an unpleasant read if you need a really big font. I do not have that problem, thankfully, though I may keep it on a very small font and then just drag out reading glasses, myself. 

All told, my pleasant surprise at how handy and well designed the Boox Palma 2 is has motivated me to seek out one of their larger models, specifically their own notebook color version. I'll talk about that when it arrives. My hope is that it will act as a decent alternative to the Kindle Notebook, which is eminently practical in its effectiveness at being a stylus-based note taker (I use it for gaming regularly, and found it easy to design entire maps on it). 

I did look at one option which I ruled out: reMarkable makes some really nice notebook style tablets, but they are not tied to the android ecosystem and do not let you load apps. I believe you can directly load books onto them from a source such as Calibre, but that's not how I have my collections set up, and so reMarkable sounds like a more expensive and less convenient option for a certain kind of person, so I decided not to check it out.

So this is where I am at in 2025: I have a mess of gadgets (I didn't even mention the Samsung galaxy S9 Ultra, which is really a notebook style PC masquerading as a tablet) and enough variety that I can feel comfortable scooting away from the Amazon ecosystem with no impact to my reading experience....and indeed, I am finding that by embracing Kobo and especially Boox, my overall ebook enjoyment has only improved. I will also give a shout out to the Lenovo Tab M11 as the best full color standard tablet for reading (especially comics and graphic novels), that is also by far the most affordable for its class. Ebooks may become the default for reading going forward as the publishing industry across the board is rocked by the tariff wars, so I can at least know that my embrace of this medium may allow for me to continue to pick up and read the books I want without inflated prices. 

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